A toolkit for single cell sequencing analysis
Citrus is a toolkit for single cell sequencing analysis under development. Citrus is written in c++ with easy-to-use R wrappers. To use Citrus, the installation of Rcpp and RcppArmadillo is required.
Now a normalized method and a clustering method are available in the distributed version.
Method 1: scPLS: a normalization method to remove unwanted variation using both control and target genes.
The description of methodology and algorithm can be found in the manuscript:
Chen M, Zhou X: Normalization of single cell RNA sequencing data using both control and target genes. 2016
which can be downloaded at: http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2016/03/21/045070.
A vignette on how to use scPLS is distributed together with the package.
Method 2: a clustering method which can account for confounding factors.
The description of method and a tutorial of software on clustering will be available shortly.
Citrus is not a short name for any of our methods. To honor Bowtie/Cufflinks and Salmon/Sailfish series, we are creating a fruit collection.
Mengjie Chen (UNC)
Xiang Zhou (Umich)
Bug report, comments or questions please send to mengjie@email.unc.edu.